Criminal Defense
Whether this is your first time or not, being charged, arrested, or threatened with criminal prosecution has the potential to seriously alter your life. You need to make the best choice you can when seeking a private attorney. I would enjoy the opportunity to tell you what I have to offer.

Since 1985 I have handled many civil claims against law enforcement officers and agencies for False Arrest, Malicious Prosecution, and Excessive Force. I have collected close to $2 Million Dollars for clients. I would be happy to consult with you about your claim whether I am involved in your underlying criminal case or not.

Domestic Violence cases are challenging. Innocent until proven guilty has less meaning in Domestic cases than any other category of offense yet the frequency of false or exaggerated claims is higher than any other category of offense.

DUI - Felony DUI
Drinking and driving are great American pastimes. Each can be fun but together they can cause some devastating legal problems. It is important to hire your lawyer as soon as possible as there are important decisions that must be made in the first ten days following an arrest. Whether you want someone to guide you through the system or want to fight tooth and nail we are ready to help.

An astute observer examining our drug laws in the future might conclude that our government must have been on drugs when they passed our current drug laws. They are a confusing mass of statutes that defy simple explanation and, in some cases, common sense. The only thing they seem to have accomplished is imprisoning an astounding number of people while at the same time corrupting law enforcement and diverting incredible amounts of money in the process.

For four years at the beginning of my career I was the Chief of the Palm Beach State Attorney’s Economic Crime Division. I know where to find the prosecution’s problems in a white collar crime case.

Regulatory crimes are too numerous to list. Every profession regulated by State agencies has a set of criminal penalties attached to violations of the government rules.

Resisting Arrest Without Violence, also referred to as “obstruction” is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.00